nopAccelerate Core Theme

nopAccelerate Core Theme

The best nopCommerce Responsive Starter Theme

Professional Starter Theme for nopCommerce built using Bootstrap UI Framework

best nopcommerce starter theme build using bootstrap

nopAccelerate Core Theme

nopAccelerate Core theme is beautiful and simple nopCommerce theme template build using Bootstrap UI Framework using HTML5 & CSS3. The theme is fully responsive with feature to disable responsiveness out of the box, and is very easy to customize to build a perfect custom nopCommerce theme for your store. The theme already uses icons from Font Awesome so you don’t need to integrate it manually, and offers you a great choice to use icons for your theme from FontAwesome icon’s collection. We plan to enhance theme regularly with requests from community and theme will be available for free forever.

Because you’re using a theme built with Twitter Bootstrap, you get access to everything in the Bootstrap component library and ecosystem. The use of nopCommerce makes it very easy to get started with your own web store in very little time. The combination makes nopAccelerate Core Theme an excellent choice for your next nopCommerce project. It’s simple to customize and change. And moreover it’s Free!!

Key Features of the theme

  • Starter nopCommerce theme to start building your custom theme
  • Professionally developed and uses standard development practices
  • Build using Bootstrap UI Framework
  • RTL (Right-To-Left) Support
  • All components of theme are customized as per Bootstrap UI, so its easy to theme using Style-sheets only
  • Uses awesome icons from Font Awesome
  • Fully responsive (Works with Desktop, Mobile & Tab screens effortlessly)
  • Feature to disable responsiveness from configuration
  • Comes with Browser Feature detection and lot more other features that make it easy to customize and adapt to your requirements (Check Theme Specification for more details)
  • Suitable for any kind of e-commerce stores
  • Maintained and supported by the awesome nopAccelerate team
  • Use theme for free for your personal use
  • Includes Full Source Code (Requires no additional plugin)
  • Compatible with major browsers
  • Life time free upgrades
  • SEO Optimized
  • Easy to install


Theme Specifications

  • Build for nopCommerce 3.50, 3.60, 3.70, 3.80, 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
  • Uses Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • Uses Font Awesome 4.7.0
  • Uses Head.js 1.0.3
  • Written in valid HTML5 that makes good use of proper semantics
  • Theme modifications are stored in a separate CSS stylesheet to make upgrading easy
  • View the layout without styles to see the well-formed, bare markup
  • Cross-browser compatible « pseudo media-queries » let you code against different resolutions & devices
  • Fix quirks in specific browsers by quickly applying dedicated CSS/JS logic
  • Detect various browsers & their versions
  • Check if the client supports a certain Browser, HTML5, or CSS3 feature
  • Automatically generates JS and CSS classes for browsers & features that where detected
  • Automatically generates CSS classes, to know what page or section a user is viewing so you can give specific styles
  • Know if the user is in landscape or portrait mode
  • Or whether the client is using a mobile or desktop device
  • Get old browsers to support HTML5 elements like nav, sidebar, header, footer, …
  • All features of nopCommerce are supported and tested, however if you found any bug, please report a bug for a quick fix


Browser & Device Support

Bootstrap is built to work best in the latest desktop and mobile browsers, meaning older browsers might display differently styled, though fully functional, renderings of certain components. And so, this starter theme will support and work fine with all the browsers and devices supported by Bootstrap. However, certain components will be styled / rendered differently. Specifically, we support the latest versions of the following browsers on major platforms:

  • Latest Firefox
  • Latest Chrome
  • Latest Safari
  • Internet Explorer 8+
  • Opera 28

For more details on Bootstrap support for browsers and devices, make sure to check this.


  • Extract the contents of your downloaded zip file and copy it under “Themes” folder of your site.
  • Go to the admin section (
  • Go to Configuration > Settings > General And Miscellaneous settings
  • Select new theme named “nopAccelerate Core Theme” from the default Store Theme.
  • Now, go to public store. You should be able to see the new theme on your website.


Theme Releases

Version 2.8.0 released on May 08, 2024

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 4.70 added

Version 2.7.0 released on December 28, 2022

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 4.60 added

Version 2.6.0 released on March 12, 2022

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 4.50 added

Version 2.5.1 released on October 5, 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue. Remove Product grid and list view class from item-box div.
  • Fixed issue. Add Product grid and list view class as a parent div.
  • Fixed issue. Made changes into css file for Product grid and list class on catalog and search pages.

Version 2.5.0 released on March 30, 2021

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 4.40 added

Version 2.4.0 released on August 05, 2020

Added Feature

  • Added Support for RTL (Right-To-Left) from nopCommerce 4.30

Bug Fixes

  • Estimation shipping popup design fixing

Version 2.3.0 released on June 24, 2020

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 4.3 added

Version 2.2.0 released on July 13, 2019

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 4.20 added

Version 2.1.0 released on August 16, 2018

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 4.10 added

Version 2.0.0 released on November 17, 2017

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 4.00 added

Version 1.2.1 released on October 06, 2017

Bug Fixes

  • The Navigation menu at the top is sticking up. When Navigate On The Page Automatically Leads You To The Top Of The Page for mobile screen.
  • Product Box Image display centrally when upload any size of images.

Version 1.2.0 released on March 17, 2017

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 3.90 added
  • Updated FontAwesome to version 4.7.0

Version 1.1.0 released on September 13, 2016

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 3.80 added
  • Updated FontAwesome to version 4.6.3
  • Updated Bootstrap to version 3.3.7

Version 1.0.5 released on 12th December, 2015

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 3.70 added
  • Updated FontAwesome to version 4.5.0
  • Updated Bootstrap to version 3.3.6

Version 1.0.4 released on 3rd December, 2015

Added Feature

  • Support for nopCommerce 3.60 added
  • Updated FontAwesome to version 4.4.0
  • Updated Bootstrap to version 3.3.5

Version 1.0.3 released on 1st June, 2015

Added Feature

  • Implement sticky menu.

Version 1.0.2 released on 29th May, 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Added Static link into footer section and product detail page.

Version 1.0.1 released on 25th April, 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Top-menu for responsive device not working properly.

Version 1.0.0 released on 23rd April, 2015

  • nopAccelerate Core Theme version: 1.0.0
  • Release nopAccelerate Core Theme Initial version 1.0.0.


Download Your Free Theme Now


Note: No product images are included with the theme.


nopAccelerate Core Theme

nopAccelerate Core theme is the professional starter theme for nopCommerce built on the BootStrap UI framework using latest HTML5 techniques.

Price: Free

Released On April 23, 2015
Last Update On May 8, 2024
Compatible Browser IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
nopCommerce Version 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70
UI Framework Bootstrap 3.3.7
Tags bootstrap core theme generic theme nopcommerce theme starter theme
Icon & Images Font-awesome 4.7.0
Layout Responsive
Included Files CShtml View Files, CSS, JS with Full Source Code
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